
Bulgur is a food made from wheat. It is mostly consumed in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisines. It is a good source of vitB and fiber.

Extra Coarse Bulgur
Gerish Fine
Brown Coarsa Bulgur
Coarse Bulgur
Brown Medium Bulgur
Medium Bulgur
Brown Fine Bulgur
Yellow Coarse Bulgur
Fine Bulgur
Skinless Wheat Haresh
Durum Wheat
Coarse Bulgur With Vermicelli
Medium Bulgur With Vermicelli



Shipping Types
Product Packing Unit Net Weight (KG) Container Quantity Net Weight (KG)
For All Legumes Bags 25 Kg 20′
Without Pallet
1,000 Bags 25,000 Kg
25 Kg 40′
Without Pallet
1,000 – 1,080 Bags 25,000 – 27,000 Kg